The Product Certification Directorate is the technical entity within the General Directorate of Type Approval and Product Certification
⮚ Authorization of economic agents that partition and pack operating materials used in road vehicles
The authorization process includes:
1. Submission by the client of the application for packaging authorization and the documents necessary for authorization according to the PCD procedure;
2. Performing the analysis of the authorization request;
3. Performing the analysis of the technical documentation;
4. Performing the process audit;
5. Sampling for inspection and tests;
6. Carrying out inspection and tests in laboratories that comply with SR EN ISO/CEI 17025 requirements;
7. Evaluation of the results of the activities carried out within the authorization process;
8. Drafting the authorization documents;
9. Post authorization surveillance.
The legislation, regulations, procedures and forms presented can be modified and supplemented.
Products Certification Directorate (PCD)
Eng. Viorel CROITORU
Director of the Products Certification Directorate
Address: Bucureşti, B-dul. Expoziţiei nr. 1K, sector 1
Tel.: 031 425.71.02
Eng. Marian BRÎNCUŞ
Technical secretary of PCD
Tel.: 031 425.71.02
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