The General Directorate of Type Approval and Products Certification is responsible for all aspects of the type approval granted to a vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit, the authorization process for parts and equipment, the granting of approval and, as the case may be, the withdrawal or refusal of to grant type approval, the connection with the approval authorities of the other member states, the designation of technical services and ensuring the manufacturer’s compliance with production compliance obligations.

The Product Certification Directorate is the technical entity within the General Directorate of Type Approval and Products Certification that has the following activities in its attributions:
⮚ Certification of products and operating materials used in road vehicles;
⮚ Authorization of economic agents that partition and pack operating materials used in road vehicles.
The legislative framework is defined by:
– O.G. no. 80/2000 regarding the approval and certification of products and operating materials used in road vehicles, as well as the conditions for their introduction to the market, with subsequent amendments and additions;
– O.M.T.C.T. no. 2135/2005, for the approval of the Regulations regarding the approval and certification of products and operating materials used in road vehicles, as well as the conditions for their introduction to the market – RNTR 4, with subsequent amendments and additions;
– O.M.T.C.T. no. 229 of September 8, 2003 for the approval of the Regulations regarding the modification of the fuel systems of motor vehicles, which were approved for circulation on public roads in Romania with a specific fuel provided by the manufacturer, for the operation also with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and the authorization of economic agents which carries out the installation, technical revisions and repair of LPG engine supply installations – RNTR 6 (published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 659 of September 17, 2003), with subsequent amendments and additions;
Reference standard:
– SR EN ISO/CEI 17065:2013 – Conformity assessment. Requirements for bodies that certify products, processes and services.
Purpose of certification and authorization
New products and operating materials, intended for use in road vehicles, in the category of those concerning road traffic safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and protection against theft of road vehicles, may be placed on the market or made available on the market only if they are approved or certificates, as appropriate.
PCD certifies the conformity of new products and operating materials, used in road vehicles, from the category of those related to traffic safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and protection against theft of road vehicles provided in the list from Chapter V of RNTR 4, approved by OMTI 152 /2022.
PCD authorizes the partitioning and packaging processes of operating materials certified by RAR.
The legislation, regulations, procedures and forms presented can be modified and supplemented.
General Directorate of Type Approval and Products Certification (GDTAPC)
Address: Calea Griviţei nr. 391A, cod 010719
Bucureşti, sector 1
021 318.17.43
021 202.70.07
Products Certification Directorate (PCD)
Address: Bucureşti, B-dul. Expoziţiei nr.1K, sector 1
Eng. Viorel CROITORU
Director of the Products Certification Directorate
Tel.: 031 425.71.02
Eng. Marian BRÎNCUŞ
Technical secretary of PCD
Tel.: 031 425.71.02
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